Jul 25th, 2024

Feature Article


  Written by: David Stevens, Director of Business Development

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Change worth sticking your neck out for.

As technology consultants, we often find ourselves deeply embedded in our clients’ transformational efforts. Yet, in today’s rapidly evolving business environment, the traditional concept of “transformation” feels far too rigid and static.

Conventional transformation initiatives revolve around a fixed plan aimed at a specific end-state. While this approach can be effective in certain scenarios, the current business landscape demands a more agile and responsive approach to change. Companies must continuously adapt to their environment rather than relying on the occasional large-scale overhaul.

This past weekend, my wife and I attended a friend’s wedding in beautiful, sunny San Diego. Like any good tourists, we made sure to leave time for a visit to the world-famous San Diego Zoo. During some one-on-one time with Saba, the 17-foot Masai giraffe, I recognized a more fitting metaphor for transformation: evolution.

In the wild, animals must evolve and adapt to their surroundings. This process is not a structured transformation but an adaptive response to ever-changing conditions. These changes are not scheduled with a predetermined end-state; they are continuous, responsive, and essential for survival.

Most importantly, evolution emphasizes the importance of real-time feedback and iterative improvement. Just as species in nature undergo gradual changes, organizations benefit from implementing small, incremental adjustments over time. This allows them to quickly adjust to changing priorities while ensuring progress is still being made.

This concept of business evolution better captures the essence of what companies need to thrive in today’s world. By continually adapting to their environment, businesses can achieve sustained success and avoid the pitfalls of conventional, static transformation practices. Embracing evolution requires us to recognize that change is not a one-time event but rather an ongoing journey, requiring flexibility, responsiveness, and a willingness to adapt to whatever nature has in store.

Enough with the transformation, let’s evolve.

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